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Building Resilient APIs: Lessons Learned from a Real-World Migration (Machine Generated)

Posted on:August 20, 2024

This post was written by ChatGPT for an article I wrote comparing the technology in 2018 vs today. All of the blog posts written on this blog are entirely written by myself from my own knowledge and experiences.


At G Adventures, our commitment to creating life-changing travel experiences extends beyond the adventures we offer; it also drives how we build and maintain our technology. As we grow and scale, ensuring the resilience of our APIs becomes increasingly important. Recently, our engineering team embarked on a migration project to revamp one of our critical API services. This blog post will take you through the challenges we faced, the strategies we implemented, and the lessons we learned during this real-world migration.

In particular, I’ll focus on how we leveraged Python and Flask, our primary tools, to build a more resilient API service. I’ll also include some code snippets to illustrate the technical solutions we employed.

The Need for Migration

Our existing API had served us well, but as we scaled, it became clear that we needed a more robust and flexible architecture. The old system had several issues:

  1. Monolithic Structure: Our API was tightly coupled, making it difficult to update or scale individual components.

  2. Lack of Resilience: The system was prone to failures under heavy load, and it lacked proper mechanisms for handling these failures gracefully.

  3. Difficulty in Maintenance: Over time, the codebase had become difficult to maintain, with legacy code and dependencies slowing down development.

The Goal

Our goal was to migrate to a microservices architecture, where each service would be independently deployable and scalable. This would not only improve resilience but also make the system easier to maintain and evolve.

Challenges Faced

  1. Dependency Management Migrating to microservices meant breaking down the monolith into smaller, self-contained services. However, this brought challenges around dependency management. Ensuring that each service had the right dependencies, and avoiding conflicts, was crucial.

  2. Maintaining API Stability During Migration We couldn’t afford downtime or breaking changes during the migration. The challenge was to transition to the new architecture without disrupting our users.

  3. Implementing Resilience Patterns As we moved to microservices, we needed to implement resilience patterns like circuit breakers, retries, and fallbacks to handle failures gracefully.

Solutions Implemented

  1. Containerization with Docker To address the dependency management challenge, we decided to containerize our services using Docker. Each microservice would run in its own container, encapsulating all necessary dependencies.

Here’s an example of a simple Dockerfile for one of our Flask-based microservices:

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Set the working directory in the container

# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
COPY . /app

# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Make port 5000 available to the world outside this container

# Define environment variable

# Run when the container launches
CMD ["python", ""]

This Dockerfile sets up a containerized environment for a Flask app, ensuring consistency across different environments.

  1. API Gateway for Smooth Transition

To maintain API stability during the migration, we introduced an API gateway. The gateway allowed us to route traffic to the appropriate version of the service without the clients having to worry about changes in the backend.

Here’s a simplified example of how we used Flask to handle different versions of our API:

from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

# V1 of the API
@app.route('/api/v1/resource', methods=['GET'])
def get_resource_v1():
    return jsonify({"message": "This is version 1 of the resource"})

# V2 of the API
@app.route('/api/v2/resource', methods=['GET'])
def get_resource_v2():
    return jsonify({"message": "This is version 2 of the resource"})

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, our API gateway could route requests to either version 1 or version 2 of the API without breaking existing clients.

  1. Implementing Circuit Breakers with Python To handle potential failures in our microservices, we implemented a circuit breaker pattern. This pattern helps in preventing cascading failures by “breaking” the circuit if a service fails repeatedly.

Here’s a basic implementation using Python:

import time
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

class CircuitBreaker:
    def __init__(self, failure_threshold=5, recovery_time=60):
        self.failure_threshold = failure_threshold
        self.recovery_time = recovery_time
        self.failure_count = 0
        self.last_failure_time = None

    def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.is_open():
            raise Exception("Circuit is open. Operation not allowed.")

            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            return result
        except RequestException as e:
            self.failure_count += 1
            self.last_failure_time = time.time()
            if self.failure_count >= self.failure_threshold:
                raise Exception("Circuit opened due to repeated failures.")
            raise e

    def is_open(self):
        if self.failure_count >= self.failure_threshold:
            if time.time() - self.last_failure_time > self.recovery_time:
                return False
            return True
        return False

    def reset(self):
        self.failure_count = 0
        self.last_failure_time = None

# Usage example
def get_data_from_service():
    response = requests.get('')
    return response.json()

circuit_breaker = CircuitBreaker()

    data =
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Operation failed: {e}")

This code defines a simple circuit breaker that tracks failures and prevents further calls to a service if it detects repeated failures.

  1. Introducing Retry Mechanism

Along with circuit breakers, we also implemented a retry mechanism. The retry pattern is particularly useful for transient failures, such as network issues, where a subsequent attempt might succeed.

Here’s an example of implementing a retry mechanism with exponential backoff:

import time
import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

def retry_request(url, retries=3, backoff_factor=0.5):
    for attempt in range(retries):
            response = requests.get(url)
            return response.json()
        except RequestException as e:
            if attempt < retries - 1:
                sleep_time = backoff_factor * (2 ** attempt)
                raise e

# Usage example
    data = retry_request('')
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Operation failed after retries: {e}")

This code retries a failed request with an increasing delay between attempts, improving the chances of success in case of temporary issues.

Lessons Learned

  1. Plan for the Worst-Case Scenario: By implementing resilience patterns like circuit breakers and retries, we were able to handle failures gracefully, reducing the risk of cascading failures.

  2. Automate and Monitor: Automation and monitoring played a crucial role in our migration. Automated tests ensured that changes didn’t break existing functionality, and monitoring helped us identify and address issues early.

  3. Incremental Migration: Migrating to microservices incrementally allowed us to maintain service continuity. The API gateway played a key role in this by routing traffic between old and new versions seamlessly.

  4. Documentation and Communication: Clear documentation and communication with stakeholders were essential to the success of the migration. This ensured that all teams were on the same page and could adapt to changes smoothly.


The migration to a more resilient API architecture has been a significant milestone for us at G Adventures. By breaking down our monolithic API into microservices, implementing containerization, and introducing resilience patterns, we’ve not only improved the performance and reliability of our systems but also made them easier to maintain and evolve.

If you’re interested in learning more about our journey or exploring similar topics, check out our previous posts on modernizing our legacy systems and scaling our infrastructure with Kubernetes.

At G Adventures, we’re constantly evolving our technology stack to better serve our travelers. We hope the lessons we’ve shared here can help others on their journey to building resilient APIs.


G Adventures Engineering Blog: Modernizing Our Legacy Systems G Adventures Engineering Blog: Scaling Our Infrastructure with Kubernetes

Author Bio:

[Your Name] is a software engineer at G Adventures, specializing in backend development and API design. With a passion for creating resilient and scalable systems, [Your Name] enjoys tackling complex challenges and sharing insights with the tech community.

Comment Section:

Feel free to drop your questions or comments below. We’d love to hear your thoughts on API resilience and any challenges you’ve faced in similar migrations.

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